“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” – Gospel of Mark 10:45


  • We commit to embody the ministry of Christ and to demonstrate God’s compassion in a practical way by caring for the felt needs within our community and serving the disadvantaged


  • Catering children’s holistic and balanced development in ethical, intellectual, physical, social and aesthetic aspects with a quality curriculum under a joyful environment in order to discover their potential and equip them for future learning

Target Group:

  • Children aged two to six who are physically and intellectually sound


  • Pre-Nursery (aged 2 to 3)
  • Nursery (K1); Lower Class (K2); Upper Class (K3)
  • Morning Session and Whole-day Session are available for all programs

School Life:

  • Goal – to unleash children’s potential, an integrated curriculum across different learning areas, e.g. Chinese & English skills, science and technology, early mathematics, visual arts and etc, are adopted to facilitate a holistic and balanced development in the domains of cognitive and language, affective and social, aesthetic and so on. We emphasize on social-affective development cultivating children’s care for society and be enthusiastic about family and life
  • Others – developing children’s self-care abilities as well as an interest in physical play, music, arts & crafts and computer
  • Regular and balanced diet is provided – breakfast, lunch, snacks and fruit
  • Whole-day students are able to enjoy a revivifying nap time

Teachers’ Qualification:

  • All teachers have received requisite training and are registered as “Qualified Kindergarten Teacher” with the Hong Kong Education Bureau, dedicating extraordinary levels of patience, enthusiasm and loving care for the children
  • We have native English speaking teachers and tutors who specialized in Mandarin teaching to foster children’s bi-literacy and tri-lingual abilities

School Hours:

Whole-day Session

Monday to Friday
8:00 am – 6:00 pm

8:00 am – 1:00 pm


Morning Session

Monday to Friday
9:00 am – 12:00 am

  • We will be closed for Chinese New Year, Christmas and during summer every year, the exact dates will be announced in advance

School Fee:

  1. Whole-day Session – monthly fee: $614 (K1-K3);     
    (including tuition fee, breakfast, lunch, snacks & fruit)
    Morning Session – monthly fee: $FREE (K1-K3); $2491 (pre-nursery)
    (**Needy families may apply for Kindergarten and Child Care Centre Fee Remission Scheme from the Student Finance Office of the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency)
  • The tuition fee is collected in 12 instalments throughout the year.